Episode 39Episode 38Episode 37Episode 36Episode 35Episode 34Episode 33Episode 32Episode 31Episode 30Episode 29Episode 28Episode 27Episode 26Episode 25Episode 24Episode 23Episode 22Episode 21Episode 20Episode 19Episode 18Episode 17Episode 16Episode 15Episode 14Episode 13Episode 12Episode 11Episode 10Episode 9Episode 8Episode 7Episode 6Episode 5Episode 4Episode 3Episode 2Episode 1
Leave It to Beaver - Season 1
The Cleavers are the 1950's 'All-American Family' in this 'feel-good' family sitcom. Parents Ward and June, and older brother Wally, try to keep Theodore ('the Beaver') out of trouble. However, Beaver continues to end up in one kind of jam or another. Unlike real life, these situations are always easily resolved to the satisfaction of all involved and the Beaver gets off with a few stern moralistic words of parental advice. Instigator and troublemaker Eddie Haskell is an older kid who always manages to avoid being caught.
Directors: Joe Connelly,Bob Mosher,Dick Conway
Country: United States